Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Work out your own salvation

Because our lack of humility and our inclination to be our own god has continued since our initial rebellion in Eden, everything we do tends to be performance-based i.e. We are naturally inclined to take everything that God says - His directions or commandments - and turn them into a way of earning God's acceptance. 


We must counter our sense of inadequacy that resulted from our abandoning God and prove our worth because we are no longer connected to the Source of life and meaning i.e. we are missing what we were designed to partake of; the beautiful, all wise and loving God. 

Since our identity and sense of worth is designed to come from God, without him we seek to regain our sense of worth and identity apart from him. 

We no longer do things to honor God but to try to "save ourselves" by doing "good deeds."

True humility recognizes I can't (and never will) obey God perfectly by my natural strength, i.e., simply willing it. God must be the energy and driving force behind my actions. I must recognize my weakness in living as God intends before I can be strong (in His strength).

"Therefore, my beloved... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." - Phil 2:12-13

This passage does not say work for your salvation but work out your salvation that is already yours i.e. live out who you fully are - who God has made you to be in and through Christ - i.e. act as someone who is perfectly righteous because of Christ's efforts on your behalf, not as someone trying desperately to make yourself righteous to win the acceptance and approval of others... starting with God.

Who we are in Christ ("our own salvation") is what gives us the will (desire) and power to live for God's pleasure. But we must fully believe and embrace what God declares about us if we are to experience His strength in and through us.

For a further discussion on the difference between being righteous and living righteously, click here.

For a discussion on the difference between being spirit-driven vs works-driven click here.

For a discussion on being loved, vs experiencing his love click here.

For a discussion on becoming who we already are in Christ click here.

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Jim Deal