Sunday, April 9, 2017


Why do we do what we do, how can we be freed from those things we wish we didn't do and released to flourish and do the things we were created to do? 

What are the essential realities/truths we must learn, first about God, then about ourselves, for change to occur? 

What do we need to see about God and ourselves to become increasingly more the person God designed us to be for his greatest glory and our greatest joy? 

Only God can change you (though you certainly play a vital part). To help facilitate this spiritual change/formation, I offer:

· "Life skills" coaching/mentoring:

During our time together we will assess, identify and discuss areas of greatest challenge and seek to determine those things about God and yourself that need greater clarification to help resolve those challenges. 

These sessions are available for as long or as often as desired. I recommend each session be an hour for maximum benefit. But I also offer half-hour sessions.

Though there is no required payment, I do accept donations and leave it up to you as to what value you feel they were for you. I suggest $90 per hour ($60 for a half-hour session and $30 for any subsequent 30 minutes e.g. requested donation for a 90-minute session would be $120) but it is not a requirement.

Donations allow me to focus more of my time and energies in providing this kind of support to as many as possible. No one will be turned away for financial hardship. Though I do retain the option to offer only 4 one hour sessions without donations.

Before I begin work with anyone, I do an initial session (from 30 minutes to an hour) to assess your needs and goals and answer any questions you may have of me or the coaching process. No donations are accepted for this initial session. 

We can do all our calls through the app "Zoom," or if you prefer a more secure means "Telegram" is also an excellent means of communicating. Both apps are free.  

You can download Telegram here

To download Zoom, click here. 

We also will accept gifts in the form of gold, silver or cryptocurrency either in the form of USDT, ETH, or BTC. I am open to barter as well if you offer services or products I need or may be interested in.

You can reach me by email at:

· Preaching/Teaching: 
click for details

Ministry/Leadership Experience:

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Grace to you
Jim Deal