Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Don't be weary in doing well

It is true that pursuing God takes energy and focus, which can be emotionally and physically draining over time. 

However, any endeavor worth pursuing can be emotionally and physically depleting as well. 

The key to being sustained in our pursuit of God is more internal (emotional/motivational i.e. in our spirit, if you will) than physical i.e. having the desire to press on, not just the physical stamina. In fact, great desire will push us to exceed what we may think is our physical limitations; the greater that desire the more we exceed those limitations. 

Being weary in doing well and using a lack of motivation as a reason to back off our pursuit of God, is merely an excuse. Not unlike choosing to not do that last set of reps during a workout. "No pain, no gain" applies to the spiritual, not just the physical. We are encouraged to not be weary in well doing for a good reason. 

Perseverance is in fact what exercises and strengthens our faith by constant and increased use. Though we may need to stop and rest on occasion (just as in a work out), it is good to remind ourselves we are also strengthening our faith each time we push ourselves to press on a little harder. 

Faith and hope sustain us

Even though pursuing God can be physically and emotionally draining it is also spiritually (not to mention eternally) rewarding and uplifting. 

Though our outer, physical man is buffeted and encounters numerous "thorns and thistles" in this fallen and broken world and our physical being fades away over time, our inward, spiritual man is renewed moment by moment, day by day each time it is exercised.  

It is important to remind ourselves that our minor momentary struggle is preparing for us a reward far greater in comparison. Not necessarily an immediate reward, but one that never fades and will last forever and ever. 

This is the essence of our hope. And it is this hope we are told to look to, to sustain us. 

2Co 4:16  "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 17  For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory (of immense value)  beyond all comparison18  as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen (i.e. as we operate in faith and anticipation (hope) of reward). For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."


  1. Perseverance strengthens faith and faith strengthened perseveres!

  2. Pursuing our Holy God, is a Holy calling. Any attempt by mankind to pursue God emotionally or physically will fall short of this Holy calling. We will tire physically which will affect us emotionally because the resources to pursue are not from above. Only when we pursue God by the resources He provides will we be victorious. We cannot pursue God with unholy resources produced by mankind alone, we need His unlimited spiritual fountain of holiness in order to fulfill His call. It is a call of the highest nature, holy, pure and righteous, nothing else will do except that nature instilled in us by His loving grace.Praise God for His mercy, kindness, love and grace which provides all the necessary spiritual blessings we need in Christ Jesus.


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Grace to you
Jim Deal