Friday, November 20, 2015

Liberal vs Conservative or pick

The conservative/liberal debate is an interesting one and there are some real differences philosophically. 

The heart of the difference is the view of humanity's condition. 

Are we inherently ¹"good" or "bad?"  

If we are good and our problem is our environment/ circumstances then we need to fix these and our problems are solved

This view is more common among those with a liberal political leaning and is based on humanism.

If we are bad or corrupt from within, then our hearts must be fixed. Only then will the world get better. 

This is more common in conservative circles, though there are exceptions. However, also common with conservatives is the view that law alone is the primary solution to our problems vs a change of heart.

The real solution... a third way

Ultimately, receiving God's love first and showing it to each other solves the world's woes. Expecting or looking to politicians or government to bring this about is not. 

The truth is liberals have the right idea but the wrong method, i.e. They recognize the need for love and compassion, often better than conservatives, but tend to count on government and politicians to bring it about through government-run social programs. 

However, corrupt men make up institutions, i.e. apart from God's grace, all institutions are corrupted by being run by men or women whose hearts are corrupt and alienated from their Creator. 

Corrupt institutions (including government) pass and enforce corrupt laws that reinforce (even institutionalize) corrupt behavior. The solution for man's woes comes from outside us (i.e. God Himself) and addresses what is lacking within us and occurs from the inside out and not the other way around. 

Liberals usually don't recognize the extent of corruption in the hearts of individual men/women. They believe the greatest need for change is in our world/circumstances, not our hearts i.e. men and women are basically good. Therefore, politically they are "program" driven and see the solution to the world's woes ultimately in man and the institutions he sets up. Create a program that will fix the broken circumstances/ environment. If it's not working, throw more money at it.  

But an issue with the conservative (as well as the liberal - they just do it in different ways) is the tendency to depend primarily on law (this can lead to a police state and dictatorship and loss of our freedom when taken to the extreme). Though law enforcement is valid and necessary, it does nothing to change the heart of man, nor is it intended to, it simply changes their behavior. This helps keep order but doesn't get to the heart of the issue (no pun intended). It can only mete out consequences for destructive behavior. But this can lead to soul searching by the perpetrator, which could result in a change of heart. But this is not automatic. Only God can change hearts.  

Government and law enforcement have one primary role, to punish lawbreakers, not change hearts. (for a fuller discussion on this click here). When men refuse to let their hearts be changed, law enforcement is necessary to prevent people from harming each other. The civil authorities are not in the heart-changing business but the morality enforcement business - i.e. law and order - for the safety of the public at large.   

The bottom line is all politicians tend to consider the solution lies with them/man/government. This goes for both sides of the political aisle.  

Government is not the solution. It has its role but not the bloated role it plays today (both sides practice big government though conservatives tend to preach against it while expanding it at the same time). 

What most don't realize is only 35 years before the American Revolution - that resulted in our Declaration of Independence as a country - we experienced the First Great Awakening as a nation. The people of this country at that time became considerably more aware and alive to our desperate condition spiritually and the need for the love of and for God and our fellow man. This was the soil out of which our "great American experiment" grew, resulting in the first and only government by and for the people.  

The point is our system only works best where men and women are self-governed most i.e. they have a strong sense of accountability to their Creator to love him with all their hearts etc and love their neighbor as themselves. This further shows the solution does not lie in government but in people who fear Godstarting with those who claim to know Christ and love God 2 Chronicles 7:14.  

This was the key to America's greatness, not our form of government. Our form of government was merely workable because of the spiritual orientation and moral integrity of the citizens. A spiritual orientation the founders recognized and knew was vital. When Benjamin Franklin (who wasn't known for his spiritual devotion) was asked what form of government we decided on, he said..."A Republic, if we can keep it." It is the best form we know of but only if and when we are self-governed i.e. have a high moral sense of accountability to our Creator. This is also why the solution to our woes is a return to loving God and our neighbor which is only possible when the hearts of individual men and women are made alive again to God and are moved to live for God and loving their neighbor.  

Government was ultimately intended to protect and preserve our "right" or freedom to pursue our Creator and other rights with minimal government interference. Most politicians advocate (especially the big-budget variety) for laws that are restrictive by taking away our freedom via increasing taxation, regulation, and enforcement).  Government produces nothing and can't grow money (though they try by printing it out of thin air). "We the people" are what drive the economy, not the government. 

In fact, our corrupt and abusive monetary system is a far bigger problem than most realize, yet no one ever talks about it (at least not in the mainstream news and not to the level of importance it deserves).  

The below site has a short two-minute video at the top. This is the reality that NO one is talking about to any significant degree on EITHER side. (Ron Paul spoke of it often. His son, Rand, and even Trump have eluded to it).

The difference between conservatives and liberals is in HOW we divvy up the money, not that there is no real moneyThough we have a currency, it's backed with nothing (it used to be backed by gold until Nixon cut its ties in 1971 when he ended the Bretton Woods Agreement). In fact, our "money" is now a debt instrument, the very opposite of an asset. In this way, both conservatives and liberals are exactly the same. They both operate under the pretense that we have an honest money system.  

Does the Bible have anything to say about this? PlentyHere's only a sampling

There seems to be an indication that the Trump administration had some level of awareness of this. 

When our monetary system implodes (I believe it's a matter of when not if) there will be no money to do any of the things any politicians propose. We will be back to either bartering or a police state depending on which way government goes and how the masses respond (or don't). Then no one will care about minimum wage or fighting terrorism or whatever you believe are the key issues. 

If we believe man is our solution, we are in for disappointment. Men can be a means of addressing the problem but our solution is and always has been God and we are learning more and more the hard way, exactly that. 

Should we put someone in office we think will do the best job? Absolutely, but we need to spend far more energy praying than focusing on who is in office or wringing our hands about whatever issue has us frazzled (issues such as abortion, are only symptoms and not the cause of our issues), if we wish to see the real solution and real change. Thankfully at least Trump openly called us to acknowledge God, though some might questions his sincerety.

To take a closer look at what made us great as a nation click here

For a close look on the difference between true believers and cultural Christians click here

For a closer look at what is the best "economic system" by which I country should operate, click here


¹The bible says we were originally made good and still have inherent in us the capacity for great good but as long as we reject and remain disconnected from the source of life, love, and all things we can do no real and lasting (eternal) good. And since we were made for eternity, that is where our primary focus must be.

²When watching the video on this site, note the dollar amounts referenced on the bottom left side of the video. Obama raised the debt ceiling to 20 Trillion when in office (and this was not just an Obama thing. This has been going on for years by both parties, though Obama increased the debt the most and quickest of any President).

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You wrote some things that I have been thinking. You also surfaced some info & insights that I was previously unaware of. Overall, this post is very illuminating on matters political and spiritual. Thank you Jim!


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Jim Deal