Friday, August 12, 2022


What is contentment? When does it occur?

Contentment is arriving at that place where we see God's blessings are no longer about advancing us but others - God first - His kingdom and glory - and then our neighbor. A desire to advance God's kingdom and glory over ours is evidence of our contentment. 

Knowing - believing God "has our back" better than we ever could, is the soil out of which contentment springs forth.

When we come to that place where we are content no matter what God gives or doesn't give or do for us, is usually when He gives us the most. 

God loves to bless us and is eager to do so (Rom 8:31-32) but he withholds blessings when he ¹knows they will draw us away from him i.e. when we will choose to pursue them instead of Him and are drawn away from Him by them.

Contentment is ²evidence that we are ready to receive God's blessings without being drawn away from Him by them. 

In a sense, our contentment frees God to pour out His abundance on us. Because of our contentment He knows his blessings will freely flow through us to others.

For a discussion on why the "prosperity gospel" does not honor God click here.

For a discussion on how we reap great results click here.

¹God alone knows the true condition of our heart and when we are ready for abundance over and above what we already have or receive, we don't. We only think we know.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and it is extremely sick; Who can understand it fully and know its secret motives?" Jer 17:9 (AMP)

We can never presume if or when we are ready for additional blessings but only seek to be content no matter what. Blessings or lack of them can never be our focus but contentment in knowing God is for us and His love is fully set upon us is no matter what our circumstances.

²The greatest evidence of contentment is when God pours out his blessings upon us, we use them to bless others and honor God i.e. we give freely what we have freely received. We don't cling to blessings, but only to the one true God who blesses.
Knowing and experiencing God as our source is like eating a healthy gourmet meal. Once we have, we have no desire for cold leftover fast food. It simply no longer has any appeal. Our desires are already satisfied. 

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Jim Deal