Sunday, April 12, 2020

How "End times" teaching hinders God's kingdom and aids one world government aka Globalism.

The following history behind Dispensationalism is part 4 of a 5 part paper at 

I am posting it as a separate article for those who may not be interested in the weakness of the biblical foundations behind the "last days" or "end times" teaching. After reading this part below, you may wish to read my entire discussion on dispensationalism. To do so you can click here or the link above. 

4. The history behind Dispensationalism

(Dispensationalism teaches the world will destroyed by God but before it is, a rebel to God - the Antichrist - will rise up and set up a one-world government where you can do nothing economically without His permission or his mark i.e. 666 or the Mark of the beast).

The first 3 sections of the complete paper (linked here) dealt almost exclusively with various scripture passages on why the Bible does not teach this (commonly known as Dispensationalism). 

Now we will see if the history behind this teaching can shine any light on its problematic rise and influence. 

The promotion and expansion of Dispensationalism appears to have had considerably more to do with political views of Zionism, than with the teaching of scripture. A little-known document called The Blackstone Petition or Blackstone Memorial called for the re-establishment of the State of Israel back almost 120 years ago in 1891. It was submitted by a lay minister/real estate developer named William Blackstone (not to be confused with the British attorney who wrote “Commentaries” on Common Law in the 1700s).

Blackstone was a “student” of John Nelson Darby’s teachings, who was considered the “Father of Dispensationalism."

Even though most of us have likely never heard of Blackstone and his petition it was not an insignificant document at the time considering some of those who signed it. For example, J.P. Morgan, John D., and William Rockefeller, who were signers also happened to be key “players” in forming the *Federal Reserve System implemented in 1913 under which our country’s monetary system now operates. (For an excellent book on the issues regarding the Federal Reserve I highly recommend

If the involvement by these signers seems unimportant or irrelevant you may also wish to read which addresses our current monetary system. This will help tie this part together. (NOTE: the link immediately above is from the internet archives known as "The Wayback Machine" because my original site no longer exists).

Is it merely a coincidence these particular gentlemen were signers of this petition? If you understand the destruction and deception of the Federal Reserve System as discussed in the links above this simple fact alone makes their - aka the "banksters" - early support and promotion of the dispensational system highly suspect. And this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. If the connection is not apparent at this time I encourage you to do your own research. The links above will be a good starting point. If you really dig around, it gets even more "interesting." To understand why I say this, be sure to read the article on Blackstone above and also linked here.

It should be pointed out of the 413 signers of this Petition only a total of 15 were either rabbis or of Jewish or Hebrew descent. That is less than 4% of the 413 signers. In addition, one of the Jewish signers happened to be a banker and President of a bank called “International Bank.” Yet this petition was supposed to be about bringing Jews back to their “homeland” not about finance or politics (the more you dig the more you will discover how "big money" and corrupt government have been connected for well over 100 years in the USA). To read this list of signers you would think this petition had more to do with some corporate venture instead of a spiritual/religious effort.

The rest of the signers were a mixture of Protestant clergymen, representatives of several major national newspapers (early promoters of fake news?), politicians, government workers such as postmasters, judges, clerks, and even some collectors of revenue along with a variety of businessmen. The whole list can be found at (Also no longer on a website but from the internet archives). Considering the apparent nature of this petition this was a curious mix indeed, wouldn’t you agree?

The rabbit hole goes even deeper when you consider that J.P. Morgan and interests also purchased controlling interest of every major newspaper - 25 in all - at that time (1915) in order to control the information going to the public to protect “their interests” but not necessarily to report truth.

The banksters (the private banking system called the Federal Reserve) realized when they pushed through the Federal Reserve Act that to pull off the control of the newly implemented money system they would need to also control the information to the public via the news. This would allow them to divert the public away from and hide this subtle but very significant take over of commerce of the entire country through a totally  corrupted money system which is exactly what they did over 100 years ago.  

To the shock of anyone learning this for the first time, the mainstream media has actually been controlled by the "banksters" since that time. This is not "conspiracy theory" but documented in the Congressional Record of 1917 on page 2947. If you wish to see a photocopy and discussion of this in the actual Congressional record click here

As a further indication of the influence and control of the media, I offer you these additional quotes.  

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my' paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. 

-John Swinton, former chief of staff, The New York Times, in a 1953 speech before the New York Press Club 

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries".

-David Rockefeller, in an address given to Catherine Graham, publisher of The Washington Post and other media luminaries in attendance in Baden Baden, Germany at the June 1991 annual meeting of the world elite Bilderberg Group. 

"We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with".

-Richard M. Cohen, former Senior Producer of CBS political news

 "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have" 

-Richard Salant, former President of CBS News

"Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity"(i.e. disbelief)

-Marshall McLuhan, media 'guru'

Comments in (  )’s and or with emphasis mine.

Why take so much time to address the news media in a paper on the teaching of Dispensationalism? If you get nothing else from this article please understand this; the current political and monetary system has subtle but clear connections to a system that is far more encompassing than simply a particular theological worldview. For this financial/political system to survive we must remain ignorant and apathetic to the true nature of events related to the "banksters" activities; therefore the necessity and importance of controlling the information ("news") outlets. Truth, caring, and action by you and I are the globalist "banksters" biggest fear. That’s why any exposure of this information is often aggressively attacked with considerable effort to discredit it. If you have read this far, you are apparently neither apathetic and you can certainly say you are no longer ignorant. 

But it is our fault as the church as much as anyone’s (maybe more so) on why this monetary/political system has thrived and exists to this day.  And it is also our problem to solve. Politicians have proven they are not interested in truly addressing this corrupt banking system. In fact, they helped to implement it - either directly or indirectly - benefit by it, and allowed it to continue unchecked by turning a blind eye.  

Am I saying the "banksters" created this theological system called Dispensationalism? Not at all. I do think, however; they saw in dispensational teaching a perfect ²opportunity and vehicle to heavily influence the church to aid in implementing a one-world system aka globalism, and gain the support of the church to advance their deception. The "banksters" no doubt realized if the church could be convinced that the Bible predicts the coming of a one-world system under some diabolical opponent to God Himself (i.e. the "Antichrist"), then to resist it is futile (remember the Borg in the Star Trek TV series?). Why would any good Christian want to go against what the Bible predicts is inevitable? A clever and highly deceptive strategy.

Though our understanding of the subject of this paper must be formed primarily from scripture (which I address here) the political/ historical/ financial roots of Dispensationalism play a far greater role in the promotion of this teaching in the church than many may realize. Since the focus of Bible students is mainly on understanding what Scripture teaches regarding the “end times” this lack of awareness of its historical roots is understandable. However, I believe knowing the history behind the promotion of this doctrine is of no small significance or consequence and should be considered more closely by all students of the Bible. Therefore, I have taken the time to address this side of this rather involved subject of Dispensationalism (which can be read here).

I believe it is the intention of globalist "banksters" who seek to rule us (whoever they may be) that we buy into the pessimistic mindset fostered by Dispensationalism (we address this pessimism in part 5 “Two World Views…”). The result is we unintentionally (on our part, not theirs) look to our "rulers" for solutions to our problems and not to God. -- I believe this also in part explains why Futurism (how the world ends) and particularly Dispensationalism is such a widespread and popular notion among many non-Christians as well. No other teaching -  purportedly based on scripture - is more widely received by non-Christians than this “end time” doctrine and apocalyptic view of the world's future. 

This in itself should raise a red flag on the validity of this teaching. Are not the things of the gospel normally foolishness to the world? Christ’s words “broad is the road that leads to destruction…” may be very appropriate here. I believe those who wish to rule over us count on the church, doing just what we are doing, which is next to nothing when it comes to infusing the culture with the gospel and advancing God's kingdom here and now (His reign over the hearts and minds of all who look to Christ as their king) and speaking out against the corruption at all levels, especially within ³Government. The pessimism and passivity created by the belief in an inevitable future destruction of earth taught by Dispensationalism aids the advancement of a one-world government and plays right into their hands -- after all, according to Dispensationalism, a one-world government headed by a political figure called “The Antichrist” is predicted in the Bible so why waste time to resist it. 

I think if the establishment and promotion of Dispensationalism were not expressly to create a passive church - which indirectly aids the advance of one-world government - it has certainly been cleverly utilized toward that end.

I also think attempts to label ³a Preterism as anti-Semitic - yes, believe it or not, it’s true...labeling someone as a racist of any kind is a common and effective hot-button issue - is a convenient diversion from discovering the truth. And if you understand that Satan is ultimately behind anything that neuters the truth, the church’s effectiveness on culture and government, and the advancement of God's kingdom in the world, all of this is not beyond reason but in fact makes perfect sense. If you further study the history behind Dispensationalism, if it isn’t already apparent, it will become more apparent how all of this is connected as you dig in. 

¹Some believe Zionism is the main player behind globalism. I have concluded it is merely a useful tool of the real players - i.e. the "banksters" (Rothschild - the founder of the central banking system in England - being an Ashkenazi Jew) 
Zionism is a diversion used by the banksters to promote globalism (one world government). Globalism is about power, money, and control, not a particular religious view or system. Making it about a religious view (with racial implications) also aids them in creating division within the church. Click here on how Zionism helps promote identity politics and racism. One of the strategies of globalists is to accuse their opponents of the very things they are most guilty of. 

²Possibly they saw and sincerely believed this teaching was justification for one world government. 

Most centers of influence and power, such as the church (media, government and other major centers of influence such as entertainment, social media, sports, and the like), start out well but are infiltrated and commandeered to advance the "bankster" aka globalist agenda in one fashion or another.  This is a clever but diabolical strategy because these institutions are centers of influence for a reason - i.e. they've gained the trust of so many and are far less likely to be suspected of anything nefarious. They are perfect "candidates" to gain control over the minds and lives of others and culture and society as a whole.

³For those who raise the question of obeying the authorities discussed  in Rom 13, keep in mind Christ’s most scathing criticisms were against the Pharisees who were the religious authorities in Israel during Christ’s time on earth. If you care to read more on this click here.  

³a which teaches the "end times" the Bible speaks of was a historical event, not in the future.

For a look at what the bible says about the promise to Abram (later named Abraham) regarding the nation of Israel, click here

This is only part 4 of a 5 part paper. If you wish to read the rest of the paper this current post is taken from click here.

For a further discussion on what promises God actually made to Israel click here

If you wish to discuss any of the points addressed in this article or have any questions, message me at Ask for Jim. God Speed


  1. Excellent article. I have been reading and studying this subject for a very long time and agree with this general premise. Read the book, the Millennium by Loraine Boettner, available only as a used book. He explains and contrasts dispensationalism/premillennialism with the truth, historicism.

  2. Glad you found it helpful. I have not read Boettner's book on premillenialism but it sounds very interesting. I really enjoyed his book on predestination so I suspect it will be equally as good. Thanks for the recommendation. I will check it out.

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Grace to you
Jim Deal