Thursday, October 25, 2018

What is excellence?

To do things with excellence begins with doing them for God's honor. This is loving God with all our heart first, then with all our soul, mind, and ²strength. This addresses motive (heart) i.e. why we act. It is the 1st thing on the list for good reason.

When our heart -- the why -- is right, this is displayed through our words and actions i.e. to say and do things in such a way that others see that God is worthy of all honor - we value God by our actions. 

We ¹value God first and foremost, -- as well as others -- by what we do. This is to love God with all our ²strength - effort/energy - in addition to loving Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. 

The greater our value of the God of perfect excellence, the more we will be moved to excellent conduct. 

This excellence is honoring God before others as well as being honoring to God and being honored by God. If you've got it, bring it -- give it everything you have...for God's honor. This is the "why" of excellence.

What about the how of excellence? How do we do things with excellence?  

1. Bring everything you have (gifts/skills/resources) to a task. Leave it all on the field, as they say in sports.

2. Exercise those abilities diligently - with discipline i.e. practice - in carrying out that task. Practice does indeed make "perfect." It is stewarding well the gifts God gives us.

3. Do so with a servant's attitude (i.e. humility) recognizing all we are - with our unique talents and abilities - and have is a gift to use to honor the Giver. 

Valuing others.

To value others through excellent effort is to also honor/value God. Likewise, to honor/value God truly results in doing things excellently for others. 

Excellence toward non-believers

A non-believing boss (and others in general) may not agree with you and even dislike your beliefs but if your excellent effort helps them or their company do well and makes them look good, and improves their bottom line, they will appreciate it and value you for it. We see this throughout Joseph's life. 

Gen 39:22  And the keeper of the prison put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners who were in the prison. Whatever was done there, he was the one who did it.

If we bring value to others, whether they are believers or not, we will be valued; not to gain praise from ourselves but to bring praise (value) to those we serve (which often results in our being praised, though this isn't our focus). We do this ultimately and primarily to bring honor and praise to God, i.e. to value God is to honor him with our conduct and words toward others.

The greatest way to honor God in the marketplace is to do things diligently and excellently with the intent of honoring God. Doing things excellently is a form of worship and praise to God, but praise with and through our actions and projects, not just our mouths. We actually worship God when we live/work with excellence. 

To love others is to treat them with value. We do that practically by diligently applying our skills to help others.

The following passages are examples:

Dan 1:4  youths without blemish, of ³good appearance and skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding learning, and competent to stand in the king's palace, and to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans.

Jer 29:7  But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

Jer 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (it is worth noting this is said to them while they are in exile i.e. their hope wasn't in pleasant circumstances but in their union with God).

Doing things with excellence is a means of sharing the gospel. 

When people discover their beliefs don't fit reality i.e. they don't work --  don't produce excellent results -- this is an opportunity to show the way of Christ does. Our living in such a way that demonstrates Christ's way is superior (not we are superior) helps create dissatisfaction with their beliefs and may cause them to consider the way of Christ.

How do we show this? When his love moves us to produce excellent (and often better) results through our action/efforts and attitude.

Inferior efforts are not expressions of humility 

We often justify inferior efforts so as not to bring attention to ourselves. This has an appearance of humility but is often used as an excuse for less than excellent effort. Accepting shoddy results for the purpose of avoiding praise is false humility. 

Who are the saints? Those God's light shines through the brightest. How do we shine that light? By living excellently in all we say and do i.e. putting our light up on a stand so all can see it, not hiding it under a basket. 

Bring your "A" game for Jesus.  

To whom much is given, much is required.

To further discuss the importance of great effort click here.

For a discussion on when competition is legitimate click here.

¹we value them only because we first value God. We value God only because he first values/loves us.

²The Bible speaks of loving God with all our heart soul mind and strength. Here I'm addressing strength i.e. effort/action, the last thing listed on how we can love God.

³if our appearance brings praise only to us, it does not honor God. But if it opens up doors and gives us an opportunity to show God's love to others we should make the most of it and use it to do so.

Appearance-attractiveness is valued in our culture so if God has made us attractive in the eyes of the world, use it to bring honor to God. Don't hide the gifts God has given you no matter what they are, but put them to use and on display so others might see them and be drawn to God and give him praise.

I'm referring to grooming, hygiene, and overall presentation. Modesty, of course, is also a part of beauty and a primary guiding principle.

 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" Matt 5:14-16

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Jim Deal