Monday, November 27, 2017

Lovable versus lovely

Seldom are we are ¹truly lovely but we are always lovable and even adorable in the eyes of God.

There is something about us that is worth adoring. 

Not only so but we have the capacity to experience and enjoy adoration i.e. to be adored.

What is it about us that is worth loving and adoring? At a minimum -- at our worst and even in our greatest state of rebellion -- we are like God in that we still have the capacity to display something of who he is and what He's like as the ultimate person worthy of all adoration i.e. our capacity/ability to be loved and adored makes it possible for us to be lovely and adorable because we are like God, who is lovely and adorable. 

As His image bearer, we have the capacity to experience and enjoy love and adoration and respond to Him in love and adoration. In fact, in order to love and adore him as much as possible, in such a way that even comes close to his true and full worthiness of all our adoration, we had to have the innate capacity to be loved and adored. 

We are designed to be in a reciprocal relationship with God to receive his love and adoration and respond in kind.  And in so doing we put God on display for others to see and be drawn to him. This capacity - only given to us by God and ²not lost in our rebellion - is what makes us lovable, adorable and of great worth to God and others. 

Nothing else fits who we are 

Finding love and adoration apart from and outside of God is not sufficient. Anything less than the love and adoration of God -- receiving these from and reflecting them back to him -- simply will not do. No substitutes will work because there is nothing else like God -- i.e. There is only one God who is the most lovable and adorable, who created all things and on which all things depend. 

It also fits who He designed us be. We were made to be in a love relationship with this all loving, wise and powerful being called God. Why is the giving and receiving of love and adoration significant? These are core to God's being as Father, Son, and Spirit who love and adore each other and we are like him so we too might take part in this triune community of love, beauty, and overflowing joy that is core to who God is.

He is the most lovely and most adorable and has created us with the capacity to enjoy him as such. That capacity means we too must be lovable and adorable, otherwise, we could not truly appreciate this about him.

When we are truly loved and adored we reciprocate. It is the way He designed us and how we are hard wired. If we do not reciprocate we have not yet truly experienced his love and adoration. 

¹in fact, we can not be truly lovely as we are designed to be until we experience the love of God who is the Source of love. 

To say it another way, we were never designed to initiate love for God but to be the recipients of his love and to respond to His love and love him in return i.e. we are love responders, not love generators. To say it another way, we are like God -- in His image -- but we are not God. 

²What was lost was our actual loving and adoring of God, not our capacity to love and adore Him. So for all practical intents and purposes, we might as well have lost the capacity to love and adore God. However, if the capacity had been completely annihilated we could (and would) never respond to God when he reveals his love and adoration to and for us. 

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Jim Deal