Saturday, November 18, 2017

Celebrating our design and our Designer

The creative efforts of people may be carried out for the wrong reason (i.e. to exalt and advance self not God) but the fruit of those efforts is still evidence of the image of God within us all. For this reason we can (and should) fully appreciate the results of those efforts for what they are; evidence of the majesty, wonder and creativity of God within each of us, his image-bearers. 

Our creative abilities show us something significant for both God and us. Something that can be legitimately appreciated and admired (even the ability to design and construct the Tower of Babel gives evidence of the image of God within us).

Nevertheless, if these efforts are not carried out in an attempt to honor the one in whose image we are designed, they ultimately are all for naught i.e. they will have no eternal value.

We can and should celebrate humanity's design and our ability to create, but in doing so we must recognize the Creator (the giver of our abilities) and our utmost Designer is the ultimate reason for our celebration.

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Jim Deal