Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The just shall live by faith

The just shall live by faith... is quoted in several places in scripture. This is a clue it is an important and fundamental truth we should pay attention to. 

But what is it exactly that we, as followers of Christ (i.e. the just/righteous) are called to believe, have faith in, and live by?

First, we are called to believe that our right standing (being just) with God is based on God's provision (a gift) of righteousness through Christ, not based on our performance -- it is however based on someone's performance, just not ours. This addresses our status as being declared (pronounced or sentenced if you will) righteous (right) before God and now fully beloved by him with nothing to hinder that love. 

Second, because of this right standing given to us by God, nothing can or does happen to us outside the realm of God's infinite and unlimited love, wisdom, and power. This is the essence of what Paul means when he says all things work together for the good of those who love God. And the reason they do is that the difficult things press us closer to God and make us more like Jesus, which is always a good thing - no, it's actually the best thing. By being more Christ-like, we enter more fully into the love, union, and communion between the Father and the Son, the essence of not just God's life/Spirit, but our own.

As we go about life in this fallen and broken world, experiencing our own weaknesses and faults and those of others, we must always remind ourselves that God is for us not against us -- Christ and the Spirit themselves are even praying for you this very moment as you read this if you are His child. Absolutely nothing can ever (nor ever does) separate us from his love...ever. 

Knowing and believing this to be true results in our ongoing experience of God's love and care (Providence).  Our experience of God's love is based upon our status but separate from it. Without our right standing with God, we would not have complete unfettered access to him or be the child of his infinite love and care. Nor could we be sure that his love power and wisdom are working in our lives at all times and in all circumstances. But because of the work of Christ, they are. 

The life and death of Christ assure us of both a right standing before God and God's ongoing care and commitment to us in all things. 

Both the status of our right standing before God and God's ongoing, relentless, and infinite love and care for us are promises we receive (live) by faith, i.e. the just shall live by faith.

Engaging (or not) who we are

Can we lose sight of these realities (promises)? Yes, and we do whenever we doubt (stop believing) this is true.

Can or do we ever feel alienated from God and his love? Absolutely, but that is on only our side of the relationship, not on God's side. Because God's love is not based on our performance or feelings but on Christ's love, which is 100% locked in and fixed upon us due to Christ's finished efforts. God's care/love never ceases and can never be more or less than it already is. 

It is this reality we are called to believe i.e. the just shall live by the reality of God's unfaltering, nonstop and relentless love fixed upon us in Christ. By faith, we know that as God's child, absolutely nothing happens to us outside of God's infinite wisdom, care, and control.

We are called to believe these things and live by them i.e. live by faith that they are true. When we do we abide in/experience the love of God as he desires and calls us to. 

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Jim Deal