Monday, November 23, 2015

Law and grace… Which is it?

We approach the law either as a means of performance (to save ourselves) or a means of guidance (grace).

With the former, we attempt to use the law as a means of earning God's acceptance and approval.

With the latter, if we are in Christ, we understand God's acceptance and approval are already secured for us in Christ, not through performance, and now recognize the law is...

* God's loving guidance for us
* the best way to operate according to our design (how and why he made us)
* which leads to our bringing God the greatest honor/glory and
* reaching our maximum potential and fulfillment
* Having the greatest impact on others for God's glory

Our bringing the highest glory to God through our actions is operating to the maximum of our potential and fulfillment i.e. these (God's highest honor and our greatest potential) are not in opposition to each other but the flip side of the same coin so to speak.

The Bible describes the above two dynamics (performance versus guidance) as operating either in the flesh or the Spirit; under the law or under grace. For more on this click here.

For a discussion on living by grace click here

For a discussion on why grace is always necessary, not just at conversion click here.

For a discussion on the value and importance of the 
law click here.

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Grace to you
Jim Deal