Thursday, November 26, 2015

Control… Our world disrupted

We do not like to have our world disrupted. We become very comfortable in how we go about things and relate to others because we settle into a pattern. Patterns are predictable. 

We like patterns because they give us an illusion of control over our world and do not require us to trust things or others we can't control. We *hate having to trust unless it's trusting ourselves.

However if a pattern is not healthy, but broken, it needs to be disrupted so it can be revealed to us and abandoned. If we do not address but allow this we will miss out on the riches of God's grace he wishes to extend to us in those particular areas of brokenness.

If we do, that area will become a place of healing and allow us to be more effective in ministering to others in those same areas.

A challenging and painful circumstance is often the primary means by which God accomplishes the above, especially those areas of deepest wound and brokenness we need freeing from the most.


*We hate it because we hate pain. Anything we can do to minimize (control) pain and promote comfort or pleasure, we seek. 

#Disruption #Control #comfortable #thoughtsaboutGod #thotsaboutGod

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Jim Deal