Friday, November 27, 2020

Love is power

Love is power. To be more precise, it is God's love that empowers us to pursue and honor him.

So how exactly does this work?

We are created by and for God. For us to operate as we were designed we must be in perfect union with God, who is the source of love, life, and all things. Without being “plugged in” we only are operating on ¹temporary borrowed power.

Because we are ²finite in our love, life, and all things, it is not possible for us to love with sacrificial infinite love in our own strength. God ³alone is the source of endless love. If we are to love with God's love, we must have God's love flowing to, in, and through us.

And how does this occur? In and through Christ. It is because of Christ, God's love is freely and fully extended to us. If and when we choose to believe and receive it, it is poured out in us and out to others through us. But not without Christ. Without Christ, we are disconnected from God and therefore also from His perfect infinite love. 

For a further discussion on being empowered from within, click here

For a further discussion on the strength needed for self-denial, click here

Additional comments in footnotes below.


¹What do I mean by borrowed power? Everything we are, have and use to sustain ourselves emotionally and physically comes from God, whether we acknowledge this or not. He gives us these things as an expression of his love for us. If we refuse to recognize - believe - this, we will go into eternity without all that we now have and are i.e. it's temporary and borrowed. If we do not recognize this we will eventually lose it. We will go into eternity with only the memory of the things that we had and were, but no longer have (we may still be who we are now with all our gifts and abilities but no way to utilize them to derive a sense of value). This will be the essence of hell - an ongoing memory and constant reminder of what we used to but no longer have use of. We will be in a perpetual state of unfulfilled longing and endless thirst with nothing to quench it. This is the natural outcome of enjoying the good gifts of God in creation now without rightfully acknowledging him as the Giver of these and all things. 

²Though within ourselves we are finite in giving love, we have the capacity to receive and experience infinite love - only because God is infinite and created us like himself so we might partake of him. Because we can receive endless love, we can give it also. 

But apart from God, we do not have within ourselves infinite love to give to others i.e. only God is the source of love, not us. To give infinite love, we must first receive and partake of infinite love. And that is only within and from God. He alone is perfect, none stop love. He alone is the great I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the cause and end (goal) for all things. Because we are finite we must be plugged into the infinite source to partake of infinite love and in turn pass it on to others. 

We are like the batteries in a cell phone or electric car.

They can hold power but are not the power source. Overtime they run down and must be recharged. But when fully charged, can accomplish amazing things. If not charged they are a paperweight at best. 

We were not designed to be the source of infinite love, only the container or conduit of it i.e. vessels of God. But, if we are plugged into the source, we can be the means by which infinite love - God's love - flows through us to others. The ⁴more plugged in we are - through believing and receiving God's infinite love - the more His love flows to and through us, and the greater we advance His reign of love - kingdom - and become all we were designed to be.

³God is - and has been throughout all eternity past - an infinite, overflowing fountain of endless love within and among the Father and Son in, by, and through the Spirit. This was most clearly displayed in and through Christ.

⁴The more we believe and receive God's infinite love the greater our capacity to contain infinite love, i.e. unlike regular batteries, the size of our battery (our capacity) can expand with increased use, allowing us to receive and contain more love. God is always seeking to increase our capacity to receive and give love... to stretch and grow our faith. This is often best accomplished through pain and suffering. This is the essence of spiritual formation, aka sanctification. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

God doesn't need us, He delights in us

God doesn't need us but he does want and enjoy us. So why would God want us and how can he enjoy us if he doesn't need us?

God is not like we are. He operates on a totally different - infinitely higher plane than we do. We operate ¹out of need as finite, dependent creatures but God operates out of fullness i.e. overflow as the infinite giver and sustainer of life, love, and all things.

God enjoys us because he is a being of perfect and unlimited joy who from all eternity past gives and receives love, honor, and delight among the Father, Son, and Spirit. He is perfect fullness and love. He is perfect community. He is perfect contentment, joy, and bliss. He is life and the Source of life for everything else.

God doesn't need us because he has ²himself. He is not just full but overflowing

But, because he is a community of overflowing love and delight - he desires others share in the glory and joy of who he is as a perpetual overflow of love, glory, joy, and delight. 

When someone else finds delight in Him and partakes of His delight in Himself, He is delighted for them, by them, and in them. He loves it when others partake of His love, joy, and glory. 

In short, both God's independence from us and desire for us is because he has himself i.e. He is not only complete as a being, he is overflowing because of His completeness/perfection. He is perfect in love, glory, and joy. And because He is, He desires we too partake of Him and the fullness of His joy - bliss. 

In summary:

God loves perfectly because he is perfect love as Father, Son, and Spirit. He wants us to partake in Him.

God is independent. He doesn't need us because he is interdependent, self-sufficient, and overflowing within the Godhead. But is also overflowing to others for the same reason.

For related discussions about God see the following:

The importance and necessity of the Trinity 

The essence of God's life 

Thoughts on the Trinity 

Overview of Jonathan Edwards theology.

Why do the Father and Son love each other?

How are love and life connected


¹Because we operate out of need it is hard for us to comprehend and relate to someone that only and perpetually operates out of perfect fullness and overflow. We simply can not relate to this from our own experience i.e. it is not how we operate as dependent but broken image-bearers of God.

²To be loved by the most perfect being is to be loved perfectly. Christ is the perfect image of the Father and therefore most highly regarded and loved by the Father. In response, Christ adores the Father in whose perfect image he is. He also desires we know and experience the Father in the same way - to the same extent - he experiences Him. 

To be loved perfectly is to be in a state of complete fullness, bliss, and contentment. This results in God overflowing in love which moves Him to share Himself with others – as Father, Son, and Spirit - so we - His image-bearers - can also participate in this (His) state of blissful union.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What does it mean to be broken?

What does it mean to be broken and living in a broken world? It means we are no longer consciously, deliberately, or personally connected to the Source of life, love, and all things and, therefore, are no longer fully functional. It is like still having eyes or ears that no longer work as designed. 

It also means the rest of creation itself is "in bondage" (broken). 

We no longer function at our maximum capacity - nor does the rest of creation. We are like a highly efficient and beautifully designed catamaran with no wind or sea... or a powerful and precisely engineered flashlight with no batteries... or a gloriously decorated Christmas tree sitting unplugged in the dark. Each of these has great intrinsic value with the capacity to do far more, but their potential can never be realized without being coupled with the energy (love) they are designed to operate by.

When we do not operate according to our true design, we may still function, but at a very limited level, if at all. To use an overused but familiar word, we are dysfunctional - i.e. We are broken. 

You may put a catamaran up on stands, hook things up - not the sails - even lavishly decorate it, and live inside it, but you will never experience the full benefit of what it is designed to do, i.e., sail the world experiencing great adventure and beauty.

Without God, we can still function at some level, but nowhere near the capacity we were designed to. And no matter how well we fix up the outside or inside of our catamaran to make it more attractive and comfortable - even luxurious - we will always have a sense that there is far more to be engaged in than what we are experiencing.

As Augustine said, "You (God) have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they can find rest in you."

For a discussion on how we are fully loved yet fully broken click here

For a discussion on how to be freed from our brokenness click here

For a discussion on how it's impossible to live for God in our own strength click here

For a discussion on how we are free yet bound click here

Monday, November 9, 2020

How to fix fake news

We have all heard the expression “fake news” in the last few years. Who makes the assertion doesn’t really matter. The fact that it’s made at all tells us things must change.  

If we are ever to return to sanity in the news, getting to the truth must be our goal, not ratings or doing a favor for someone. The following are some items I find overlooked or ignored regularly that prevent this from happening. A clear list of standards in determining truth is vital and must be established to assess the accuracy of any report and restore confidence that when we hear a report, it is fact, actual news.

The ultimate guideline is laid out for us in the Bible itself. Here are at least two expressions of that standard.

Exodus 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (which happens to be one of the 10 commandments). 

Matt 18:16 "But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses."

So what must be done to help us get to the truth in the news arena?

*First we must distinguish between reporting facts and an op-ed i.e. An opinion piece or opinion editorial. The is very little actual true reporting today on both sides of the political spectrum. What is usually promoted most are opinion pieces.

Though opinion pieces have their place and value they don't always get to the facts. They interpret the meaning of certain events. They can be good to stimulate discussion in a healthier environment but in today's climate, it usually results in disagreement and division. True reporting is simply giving facts regarding an event, not some of them, or most of them but all of them. A good reporter will even say, "this is what we know so far...As more comes in we'll bring it to you hear at XYZ News. Tune in tomorrow for the latest update..." This was common as recently as 30 years ago. Not so much today, if at all.

*The best facts are those that can be substantiated by an eyewitness i.e. those who have 1st hand knowledge of the facts or better yet confirmed by the source itself - though even a source is not always reliable e.g. They may be coerced to say something that is not true to avoid a greater consequence than their "report" or "confession" - such as torture, bribery or some other threat.

Nevertheless, the best source for accuracy comes from the party involved in the action, coercion aside. It doesn't matter if this is a willful admission or unintentional. Documentation of an event either in writing, audibly or visually, acquired or disseminated by a 3rd party - e.g. WikiLeaks, or OMG (O'Keefe Media Group, formally with Project Veritas) - is still an admission by the party committing the act even if an unintentional admission. 

*Reporting only some facts, not all of them - and often withholding other facts, totally changes the understanding of an event.  What they share may be true as far as it goes but it doesn't cover everything relevant to the issue. Partial reporting of facts may give the appearance of being truthful, but is often the most subtle form of lying. This is what we call a “half-truth.” These kinds of reports usually contain information taken totally out of context. When you tell only part of the story, you can claim someone said pretty much anything you want to.

*A witness that openly and willingly identifies themselves is always far more reliable than an anonymous "source" whose identity or motive cannot be confirmed. A witness who openly identifies themselves has "skin in the game" i.e. Their reputation is on the line - or sometimes far more - making it far more likely they are telling the truth. If they're not willing to put their neck on the line, their testimony should carry far less weight.

*Multiple witnesses are far better than a single one. But they still must produce evidence for their reports/claims e.g. 10 liars are still liars. One person with hard evidence trumps (no pun intended) an unlimited number of liars. More liars in agreement in their report doesn't make it more true. Just because several are making a claim, without hard evidence we can't assume it's true. But this is often the method used today to mislead us. 

*Facts are facts regardless of who reports them. Many good facts are being promoted by outlets or persons with opposing views, but are ignored simply because those outlets or persons have been discredited by their opposition or competition through false accusations. This results in others never considering the facts themselves. If all the facts are given, they stand on their own two feet regardless of who gives them. We should never be afraid of facts only cautious of the reporter.

*It helps to keep in mind that the "news" is also in the sales business. The more sensational the news the more viewers they draw which brings in more revenue from advertisement. I'm not saying advertisement in itself is necessarily bad as long as integrity is a priority. Strong advertisement revenues should be the fruit of doing a good job and not what drives the story.

In conclusion, I find it best to wait 48 hours after an initial report so it can be scrutinized more closely before I assess its accuracy. Those who rush to put out a story may be motivated to set and control the narrative. News stations wish to be the first out the gate with a story, but premature opinions on events, before all the facts are in and reviewed can have incredibly negative consequences and are highly irresponsible. When all the facts come out contrary to the early views pushed, it's too late. Misinformation that goes out first tends to stick as fact. The following clip of a police cam on the Floyd arrest is a recent example. Even if there is a retraction - which rarely happens - the damage has already been done. Worse yet the bad initial reports still circulate indefinitely even after the facts prove they were completely wrong. This happens way too often – especially with police-related matters - and is why many official news outlets have lost their credibility.

These are things I always look for when assessing any "news." These all may seem obvious and common sense but they are ignored regularly so I felt it was worth raising. Many things that are put forth today as facts do not pass a rigorous application of these tests, if they are applied at all.

Even the so-called fact-checkers often don't pass the "test" of this list. I have seen many reports by "official" news sources that turned out to be garbage after being scrutinized more closely. Long established outlets often depend on their "official” status as a reputable source or on self proclaimed "fact-checkers" instead of actual facts to persuade the public. As a result, they often do poor work… in many cases very harmful work.

Last, the above list should be something everyone agrees on regardless of your political bent. This is not a list that favors one side over another. It favors getting to the truth, which everyone should agree to and want. Truth is always better than lies.

For a discussion on the history behind fake news click here