Friday, November 27, 2020

Love is power

Love is power. To be more precise, it is God's love that empowers us to pursue and honor him.

So how exactly does this work?

We are created by and for God. For us to operate as we were designed we must be in perfect union with God, who is the source of love, life, and all things. Without being “plugged in” we only are operating on ¹temporary borrowed power.

Because we are ²finite in our love, life, and all things, it is not possible for us to love with sacrificial infinite love in our own strength. God ³alone is the source of endless love. If we are to love with God's love, we must have God's love flowing to, in, and through us.

And how does this occur? In and through Christ. It is because of Christ, God's love is freely and fully extended to us. If and when we choose to believe and receive it, it is poured out in us and out to others through us. But not without Christ. Without Christ, we are disconnected from God and therefore also from His perfect infinite love. 

For a further discussion on being empowered from within, click here

For a further discussion on the strength needed for self-denial, click here

Additional comments in footnotes below.


¹What do I mean by borrowed power? Everything we are, have and use to sustain ourselves emotionally and physically comes from God, whether we acknowledge this or not. He gives us these things as an expression of his love for us. If we refuse to recognize - believe - this, we will go into eternity without all that we now have and are i.e. it's temporary and borrowed. If we do not recognize this we will eventually lose it. We will go into eternity with only the memory of the things that we had and were, but no longer have (we may still be who we are now with all our gifts and abilities but no way to utilize them to derive a sense of value). This will be the essence of hell - an ongoing memory and constant reminder of what we used to but no longer have use of. We will be in a perpetual state of unfulfilled longing and endless thirst with nothing to quench it. This is the natural outcome of enjoying the good gifts of God in creation now without rightfully acknowledging him as the Giver of these and all things. 

²Though within ourselves we are finite in giving love, we have the capacity to receive and experience infinite love - only because God is infinite and created us like himself so we might partake of him. Because we can receive endless love, we can give it also. 

But apart from God, we do not have within ourselves infinite love to give to others i.e. only God is the source of love, not us. To give infinite love, we must first receive and partake of infinite love. And that is only within and from God. He alone is perfect, none stop love. He alone is the great I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the cause and end (goal) for all things. Because we are finite we must be plugged into the infinite source to partake of infinite love and in turn pass it on to others. 

We are like the batteries in a cell phone or electric car.

They can hold power but are not the power source. Overtime they run down and must be recharged. But when fully charged, can accomplish amazing things. If not charged they are a paperweight at best. 

We were not designed to be the source of infinite love, only the container or conduit of it i.e. vessels of God. But, if we are plugged into the source, we can be the means by which infinite love - God's love - flows through us to others. The ⁴more plugged in we are - through believing and receiving God's infinite love - the more His love flows to and through us, and the greater we advance His reign of love - kingdom - and become all we were designed to be.

³God is - and has been throughout all eternity past - an infinite, overflowing fountain of endless love within and among the Father and Son in, by, and through the Spirit. This was most clearly displayed in and through Christ.

⁴The more we believe and receive God's infinite love the greater our capacity to contain infinite love, i.e. unlike regular batteries, the size of our battery (our capacity) can expand with increased use, allowing us to receive and contain more love. God is always seeking to increase our capacity to receive and give love... to stretch and grow our faith. This is often best accomplished through pain and suffering. This is the essence of spiritual formation, aka sanctification. 

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Jim Deal