Monday, July 20, 2015

Our "chooser" is not broken

Our "chooser" is not broken, our "wanter" is. Even in our current state of rebellious unbelief, we still can make choices and those choices are truly our own. We know this is true if only because God holds us fully responsible for those choices. But we also know it's true from our experience. 

But what we desire/want most is determined by what we believe is best for us. Anything we desire/want, if not prompted by confidence in - i.e. faith in - God's love for us,  will lead to the wrong choice by default simply because we are "running on empty" due to our separation from the God of love, life, and all things. We are separated because we are in a state of rebellious independence rooted in unbelief (distrust of God) and committed to being our own god i.e. making life work without God - far more than we like to admit.

And the reason we believe the wrong thing (outside the influence and direction of God's Spirit), is because we are blinded by our commitment to being our own god i.e. we are attracted to and choose that which does not disrupt our commitment to independence from God (unless God "interferes" and disrupts this by revealing his glory, beauty, and love to us - which only happens when we humble ourselves). 

Because we want the wrong things, we choose the wrong things because of unbelief. But it is still our choice nonetheless. And we are still fully accountable for that choice. 

Additional articles related to "free will" are offered below.

For a further discussion on choice, click here.
Why is freedom of choice important? Click here.
How sovereign is God? Click here.
The practical importance of God's electing grace click here
Do we have a "free" will or are we heavily influenced? Click here.
The value of paradox and truths in tension click here.
The question of fairness click here.
The necessity of mercy click here.
Is the election and wrath of God unreasonable? Click here.

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Jim Deal