Thursday, August 29, 2024

No shortcuts to maturity

Pain is a ¹necessary part of ²growth. We either experience it through ³self-denial and submission to God's ⁴directives or as a consequence of our ⁵rebellion to those directives. There is no way around pain and no shortcuts to being weaned from our ⁶brokenness.

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation (persecution, affliction, distress, pressure. The meaning in the original Greek). But take heart (i.e. do not be fearful or lose hope); ⁷I have overcome the world.” - Jesus in John 16:33

The good news is God knows, understands, and uses our pain and struggles for our good. In knowing this, we find peace - i.e. " me you may have peace." 

Though pain continues in this life, it no longer disturbs us in the way it did before. We now see how God uses it for a good purpose when we love and trust Him.

In Christ, we live with ⁷hope, not despair or 

How do we discover God's love in our pain? click here

For a further discussion on the primary role of pain click here

For a further discussion of how God uses evil for our good click here...and here.

The greater the evil the greater the opportunity for healing/
grace click here.

For a discussion on the key lesson from the book of Job, click here.

For a discussion on the value of paradox, click here.

For a discussion on the necessity of humility click here

¹Pain reminds us that we were not designed to operate without God. The more we come to see and understand this the more we look to God for true life, not creature comforts.

Coming to see and know God as the true source of life, love, and all things is at the heart of our transformation - growth. Pain is the primary means by which this occurs if we receive it by faith as such, i.e. we do not become embittered by our suffering, pain, or struggles but welcome them as our friends to help us grow deeper roots into God and find Him as true life.

²We are so blinded by our selfishness we will never see how deep it runs until we are pressed beyond our ability to handle the pain it causes.

³God actually calls us to go through pain to advance us spiritually. We don't think of self-denial as a form of pain. However, self-denial is a call to turn away from those things we find comfort in, to ease our pain, so we might pursue God as our comfort.

To elaborate on this calling, Christ says to take up our cross and follow him. The cross is a symbol of pain. Christ is calling us to take on and embrace pain to follow him. At first, we might think this is insane. Why would God call us to willingly take on and embrace pain when we spend all our lives trying to avoid it!?

When the world asks how can God be good and just when He does not relieve all the pain and suffering in the world, it reveals the depth of our rebellion towards God. Pain remains to wean us away from dependence on the creation and turn us to dependence on the Creator for true life where it belongs and where we will flourish and experience life most. If we allow pain to do this, we will be saved in, by, and through our pain and suffering, i.e. It remains for the exact opposite of what we assume. God ultimately uses it to advance us, not harm us. But only if we receive it as from His hand for our advancement, not our harm. 

⁴The primary directive is that we love God with all that we have and are and our neighbor as ourselves.

⁵Pursuit of something other than God for life is at the heart of our rebellion.

⁶The heart of our brokenness - selfishness - is our rebellious commitment to being our own god. This is due to not believing God is who he claims to be... the Source of life, love, and all things. The result is the pursuit of creation itself and making it our god.

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things." - Rom1:18-23

Of course, today we do not worship birds, animals, and creeping things as they did back when Paul penned this. But these are representatives of the creation. It is ascribing to created things - i.e. anything from our earthly existence - the value and glory that can only be ascribed to God. That is the application and underlying truth of this passage for us today, not the primitive worship of animals.

⁷How did Christ overcome the world? He embraced the world's pain and suffering (including ours) and allowed it to kill him so that we might not have to remain in pain. Then He overcame that pain by resurrecting so that we might also resurrect one day if we put our trust in Him.  

Pain and death do not have the final word, life does in and through Christ demonstrated and confirmed by his 
resurrection. Because he resurrected, we will also in him. This is our hope in our pain.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Use it or lose it

If we do not give what we have received, our gifts stagnate, dry up, or rot. 

Why? God blesses us so we might bless others.

Why? Because this is who God is and he created us like Himself - in his image.

Giving and receiving are central to who God is. Both are fundamental to God as a community of love that freely and continuously gives and receives love and life between the Father and Son in, by, and through to Spirit.
To reflect God best, we must give as He gives. This is why He created us - to receive His love and give it out to others just like God does within Himself as a community of love.

The reason the world is broken is that we've abandoned our original design as God's image bearers. We no longer give, but we take. And when we take, we keep and cling on to what we have as if it is the ¹source of life. 

But we are not designed to be takers but receivers and givers, i.e. we are not created to be a stagnant pond but an overflowing stream fed by an endless, infinite spring.

We cannot give until we receive what is vital to who we are as bearers of God's image i.e. love from the Source and Giver of life, love, and all things. He is the infinite spring. 

"Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water (literal water from a well) will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” - John 4:13-14 

For a discussion on the joy of generosity, click here

For a discussion on giving what you have click here

For a discussion on giving as you have received, click here

For a discussion on sowing and reaping, click here

For a discussion on making money, click here

For a discussion on the difference between a legitimate and illegitimate business, click here

¹Yet, everything that exists only exists because of the Creator and Sustainer of all things. If there were no God, nothing else would be, including us.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Power...from within or without?

There is much talk these days that we must look within ourselves to find the strength needed to "do life" well. We can't count on anyone else but ourselves. 

Is this true? Does the power to live life well come only from within or also from without? 

It is both, and it is neither. How?


* If by "within" we mean we must find the strength to act solely from within ourselves, independent of God, this is inadequate. It works only short term and eventually leads to burnout and ultimately death. In this sense, it is not inward. 

* If by "within" we mean we must act from the heart, out of love for God and a desire to bring honor to him, then yes, in this sense it is inward. 


* If by "without" we mean, we must look to creation and created things to gain, harness, and use these to derive our sense of value, meaning, and purpose for ourselves, then no, it is not outward.

* If by "without" we mean, we must look outside of ourselves and beyond our resources to God alone for true love, meaning, and purpose, in this sense it is outward. 

More than ever, we must define our terms to be sure we are saying the same thing. Using the same words is no guarantee. We could be saying exactly the opposite of what we are trying to convey with the very same words. 

This appears to be increasingly true the further we get away from an absolute and objective standard of truth, meaning, and morality. This is a by-product - "side effect" - of a postmodern view of the world where the reality of absolute or objective truth is rejected and morality is something we make up. The expression "my truth" is often used to convey this. 

Is there an objective and absolute standard for truth? Where do we go to find this standard? 

We can't be the standard because we are not all-knowing, or all-powerful, i.e. we are not the absolute and just enforcer of morality, but we are finite i.e. limited. Therefore, we must go outside of ourselves to find the standard for right and wrong, i.e. morality. 

For a discussion on the basis of morality click here

For a discussion on how we are designed and the dilemma it causes click here.  

For more on why we all operate by faith click here.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The joy of generosity

Generosity ¹seems to be a ¹primary part of who God is and what makes Him tick, i.e. how he operates. He delights in giving. God so loved... He gave...

As His image bearers, we are designed the same way, but with a major difference. Only God has unlimited resources - i.e. He is the Source of all things. He is an endless overflowing fountain of love. We are not. 

Why? Because God is a community of infinite, endless love among and within Himself as Father and Son who continually gives and receives love in, by, and through the Spirit.

While we also find joy in giving, we are not an unlimited, endless, overflowing fountain. Only God is as a ⁵community of love. 

If we get love from another image bearer in our giving (such as a spouse or other relationships), we may be able to maintain this kind of relationship for a long time. But if we find ourselves giving more than getting, we become exhausted and the relationship eventually dies.  

However, when we ²plug into and reconnect with God, we become a conduit connected to that unlimited, overflowing fountain of infinite love again. 

This enable us to love others ³without receiving from them anything in return because ⁴God is our source of love not others.

Without being reconnected to the source of love and life, we run out of gas (love and life, etc.). 

Related articles:

For more on how God is relationship click here 

For more on whether God is dependent or independent click here

For more on the life, love and Spirit of God click here.  

For more on how God is perpetual love click here

Are love and value the same? For a discussion, click here

¹I say "seems" only because we can't put God in a box and reduce him to something far less than he is. We are scratching the surface of only one aspect of his character, though a very fundamental and significant one. 

We should approach God - at a minimum - with the same awe and mystery we approach the universe itself. Not as some sort of object we can dissect to see how it ticks, but as a person and dynamic being of infinite beauty and depth we are in total awe of. 

We can know different aspects about God only because He reveals them to us. And because God is infinite - and we are not - there is still mystery about what He is like and who He is that we will continually plumb the depths of throughout eternity with ever increasing awe and joy! What we now know is only the beginning and a tiny speck of the beauty and wonder of God.

Not because he's trying to hide from us but because we are not humble enough for him to reveal himself more fully. We only see God clearly to the extent we humbly trust Him. 

The key to seeing more of His infinite beauty and mystery is humility. Without humility we will never see Him clearly. Because of arrogance - i.e. thinking we are our own god and can make life work without Him - we are blinded to seeing Him well if at all. 

As finite beings, we can never fully plumb the depths of His being or His heart. We will spend all eternity discovering increasingly more about God and His infinite beauty and love. We will never be bored but increasingly enthralled the more we see and know Him.

²As bearers of God image, we were originally designed to be in perfect union with our Creator. When we rebelled and turned away to be our own god, we cut ourselves off from our infinite Creator, the only Source of life, love, and all things. We no longer partook of God, the endless fountain of love. Without Him, we are empty and left longing for love. 

³Unlike us, God is an endless source of love and does not need to get anything from us in order to give. He is perpetual giving because he is perpetual receiving among the persons of the Trinity. Whereas we may give but can't sustain giving unless we get an equal amount or more love than we give... or at least feel like we are getting as much or more. 

⁴This is also why only a godly marriage is most fulfilling, successful and flourishing. God is the center and source of love for each partner and not each other.  

In fact a successful and flourishing marriage is a picture of the community of our triune God as a relational being. 

⁵God is a community of love as Father, Son, and Spirit. We thrive in a loving relationship because we are designed for love i.e. we are Godlike, who is love Himself. We cannot operate outside of love no more than God does. God is love. We are designed for love. We are like God - in His image.