Thursday, December 28, 2023

The necessity of faith

Faith is mentioned and illustrated throughout the bible but we are given this one specific quote on 4 different occasions... "the just shall live by faith." 

Everything the Bible says is important, but when it ¹says something verbatim several times, it is especially significant and we should pay special attention. 

Faith is a central theme throughout the Bible, but what exactly are we to have faith in? And why is it so vital and necessary?

We are called to live by faith for many reasons but a primary one is ongoing pain, suffering, and death (evil). Why? These can cause us to question the goodness of God i.e. if God is so good why does evil exist and still continue? 

To say it simply and directly, the continued presence of evil in the world requires us to live by faith in God's goodness because often the "evidence"- i.e. suffering  - appears to say just the opposite. But does it?

Is there no proof of God's goodness or no solution to evil? 

Not only is there proof, but when understood, it is the greatest evidence of all. 

Christ, who was totally free of evil, stepped out of the eternal bliss of perfect union and joy with His Father and into this world of pain and death over 2000 years ago. He did so ³to embrace the full consequences of evil (death), and totally overcame it (resurrection). This is both the response and absolute solution to evil and clear evidence of God's goodness. 

God didn't do this because he had to but because he wanted to, i.e. He so loved the world he gave his only Son. Sacrificial love is the ultimate expression and demonstration of love and when fully understood, eliminates any doubts about God's goodness.

For those who trust Him, Christ's first coming set us totally free from the ¹legal consequences of evil. Because of Christ, evil can never again separate us from God's love

His coming also laid the groundwork and set the stage for God ²to completely free us (and earth) of the very presence of evil when He returns. 

Christ is God's resounding proof of His goodness and the ultimate answer to evil. 

For those who refuse to trust Him (and His solution) or refuse to believe He is good, there is no other solution or remedy. Sadly, evil only continues for those who reject His offer of love and restoration. But this doesn't have to be. 

To know and understand God and His infinite goodness and love, we must know and understand Christ. If you desire to know God, in all His goodness and love, study and know Christ - who He is, what He did, and why He did it. Christ himself said if you have seen me, you have seen the Father (God). Many posts on this blog address this, i.e. who Christ is, what He did, and why He did it. 


¹this can be a direct quote as in this example or a reoccurring theme. Direct quotes are particularly important indicating God doesn't want us to miss what He seeks to convey. Reoccurring themes are throughout scripture and are more subtle. They require some digging but are equally important.

³The resurrection clearly and resoundingly asserts that death does not have the final word, life does.

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Jim Deal