Tuesday, October 15, 2019

bad vs good choices

There are willful and unwilling bad choices - i.e. there are deliberate bad choices and unintentional poor choices. The first is due to known, willful disobedience; the second is due to our limitations - i.e. being both broken and finite.

As limited finite beings, making the best choice based only on what we know may not even be possible on our own and therefore not the best choice - i.e. it will not be according to all there is to know. Since we aren't all-knowing but finite, we must seek God's guidance to make the best choice. We assess what we *know the best we can, but must ultimately entrust ourselves into God's care.

The beauty about choice is God uses all choices -- good and bad -- for our good if we love Him. He lets us reap the **consequences of deliberate bad choices so we might turn from them -- repent. But He also redeems the unintentional poor choices so we might learn to seek and Him more in everything we do. At the 30,000 foot view, there are no bad choices, even though at the ground level there are.

If we are willfully disobedient it is because we do not yet believe the direction-commands God gives is truly best for us. But even when we're not willfully disobedient, if we trust the one giving the direction, we will pursue it - i.e. we trust his understanding is perfect, complete, even though ours is not.

We will want to go the right direction either because we are convinced through first-hand experience, it is the right course or because we trust the one giving direction, even when we don't know first hand it is the right course. The beauty is we no longer have to know everything to do the right thing because we know the one who does.

Distrust in another can be due to our not believing the other either knows the right course, has the ability or resources to enable us to pull it off or because we don't believe the other wants the right and best course for us. In the case of God, He knows all things, has unlimited power and resources, and only acts out of love, so all these issues are addressed regarding the direction He gives us.

 For a further discussion on the dilemma of being finite click here

 For a further discussion on God using all things for our good click here

  For a further discussion on mankind being finite vs sinful click here

*The value of having greater knowledge is it helps ensure we make the best choices. The more we know, the better chance of choosing the best course of action -- in making an informed choice. However better still is knowing that the one who knows everything is committed to our highest good. The issue now is whether we trust that person.

**As we experience more of God's presence in our walk, the more significant for us that becomes. Therefore the greatest consequence of willful rebellion may be the loss of experiencing His presence. We are told to not grieve or quench the Spirit. What would do that if not a willful pursuit of something other than God?

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Jim Deal