Monday, October 4, 2021

Experience and wisdom connected

We have all observed that experience (sometimes of others if not our own) results in a more mature (usually more humble) approach to life. But what is it we experience that gives us a more solid and stable outlook? More often then not it is failure, loss, suffering etc.

How so? The struggles and our limitations we encounter in our times of greatest pain have a way of grounding us in ¹reality. 

And yet we often complain about suffering/evil in general, feeling sorry for ourselves and ask "why me" or "why do bad things happen to 'good people?' " Ironic isn't it? We complain about something being unfair that can actually help us become better/wiser.

In reality, painful, challenging ("bad") experiences are one of the primary means by which truly good (humble) people are made stronger, wiser, more mature (assuming we are not embittered by them). The only thing that prevents this is lack of humility; the lack of willingness to learn or be taught i.e. pride.

Why? At the heart of pride is distrust i.e. since I can't (or choose not to) trust, I'll figure it out and do it myself. This is why pride is so harmful; it short-circuits the process that can make us stronger and better, not to mention the harm pride causes others.

For a further discussion on the value of suffering and evil click here and here.


¹Life works a certain way - i.e. according to design. When we or others violate that design we experience loss and suffering. This loss and suffering teaches us (if and when we're willing to learn) to operate according to the way things work i.e. according to their design. Knowing this is at the heart of wisdom and the essence of maturity. "The fear of the Lord is beginning of wisdom" i.e. recognizing God is a certain way and created us to be aligned with Him. To not align ourselves with that way (his way, the way we were designed to be) has dire consequences. To acknowledge this requires both humility and wisdom.

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Jim Deal