Monday, February 24, 2020

the heart of legalism

Does wrong doctrine pervert our understanding of truth or does our natural propensity towards a lie make us susceptible to wrong doctrine i.e. which comes first, a natural inclination to rebellious distrust and independence from God - wanting to be "our own god" - or teaching that leads us in that direction?

We are drawn to anything that appeals to our natural inclination to be our own savior, deliverer, or god. In a word, we prefer independence to ¹dependence, performance to grace, i.e. a wage to a gift. Legalism is merely a disposition and manifestation of what is already in our hearts. It is our attempt to save ourselves; to make ourselves acceptable to God through our efforts, i.e. "good deeds." 

Legalistic teaching may reinforce independence, but it doesn't create it. To use the language of Genesis, it is the desire to be "our own god" that our first parents embarked on that is the problem. We - humanity - have been on this same path ever since.

In our present state of rebellion, we are naturally inclined to be our own god. Legalism doesn't cause this; it is the other way around; our fallen state is naturally drawn to it i.e. I can make all things right with God by doing right for God.

This is why any current organization or form of God's community - be it a local church or a "para-church" organization - may start well, with a sound grasp of grace, but over time slip into a performance-based enterprise. This was the very problem the church in Galatia had. Something starting well does not mean it automatically continues well or ends well. 

I think the reason we are instructed to revisit the last supper via communion is exactly to counter this inclination - though, ironically, we also turn this very reminder of grace as the only basis of our acceptance (or any other prescribed practice) into a performance-based means of self-righteousness (which further confirms it is more a heart than a head issue). 

We must always be reminded our good standing with God is solely based on what Christ did for us, not what we do for God. We must always be on guard for legalism's encroachment because our hearts already naturally gravitate towards it. Not simply the teaching of legalism but the spirit of it. Legalism is more an attitude or disposition based on not understanding the gospel of grace than a teaching. Any organization that starts with a good grasp of the gospel must continuously be reminded of it e.g. regular communion. Grace is simply contrary to how our distrusting hearts are naturally inclined to approach God. The expression "upside-down" gospel is an indication of how contrary we are to it e.g. To find our life we must lose it, to live we must die.

Our inclination towards performance and away from grace is so deep, subtle and pervasive this showed up at the very beginning of the early church. The promotion of a performance-based approach to God was common enough that Paul had to call a local body of believers back to the foundational message of grace on several occasions. Many of Paul's letters touch on this problem. The letter to the Galatians was written primarily for this very reason. We do well to study this letter and others to be sure we are on the path of grace. 

For a discussion on living by grace click here

For a discussion on why grace is always necessary, not just at conversion click here.

For a discussion on the value and importance of the
law click here.


*the irony is this posture of dependence is actually a basic aspect of the nature of God. God Himself, by virtue of being three persons in one being is an interdependent being. However, it is a dependence not on others outside of the Godhead but within Himself, which makes Him independent of all other beings or things. For more on this, click here.

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Jim Deal