Thursday, May 23, 2019

All you can do is all you should do

New believers often wonder, "what is God's will for my life." In asking they are usually thinking of what job they should take, where they should live, whether they should or shouldn't marry, and if so, who, and so on. However, though certainly important, these aren't the most important questions. Knowing God's will is more simple and basic than this. 

Simply stated, God's will for us is to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and our neighbors as ourselves. 

The question then becomes how do we best live out this most basic, foundational  commandment i.e. what does this look like for us? This depends on the unique way God has gifted us. Simply stated, we love others and honor God best, through diligent use of our unique gifts, abilities, resources and life experiences. 

What we are all called to do is love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (our greatest effort)... This is for all of us but will look different for each of us depending on our circumstances, experiences, abilities, gifts, and tasks before us. 

Once we know *our gifts, we are to use them for the tasks at hand. Knowing and exercising our gifts for His honor is our most important focus. God's will for us is no more than this but certainly not less. 

For example, though the world needs saving, if God hasn't given us the ability and/or resources to save the world then we should not try and save it. It's not our responsibility nor should it be **our burden. But if he's given us the ability to teach or serve or encourage etc, we are to do these by his Spirit with all the energy/power He works in us -- i.e. moved by his love for us and ours in turn for Him in all that we do. It is God who works in us to will and do of His good pleasure. Philippians 21:3

If you are a musician, play music well; if an artist, create art well; if a teacher, teach well; if a parent, parent well; if a business owner, run your business as a business well; if an employee, serve your boss and customers well; if a helper, serve well; if a writer, write well, etc. We should constantly be honing in, using, developing -- fanning into flame -- our gifts, no matter how simple or elaborate they are, or how widely they are or are not applied or acknowledged, to the greatest possible extent, for the glory of God. 

While at the same time not overly concerning ourselves with those things we are not gifted at. For example, we are all commanded to make disciples but that looks different for each of us. Those who have the gift of evangelism will have a unique ability to share the gospel with clarity, effectiveness, and energy/passion that we won't. However, we all can live out the gospel not only with our words but our actions through the gifts we have, resulting in others coming to faith. 

Whatever our gifts are, they should be used diligentlywith all our might i.e. with excellence, for the glory of God. 

For a further discussion on excellence click here

*What are your gifts? Two things that will help you find out. Ask yourself what you are good at. That's a good start. Then ask others, who know you best, what you are good at. When you have the answer, you have a very good idea of where to focus your energy and efforts. 

**God, however, may lay on someone's heart such a burden/passion for a particular challenge that a person will seek God for the needed resources to take on a task and not stop praying and pursuing it until God provides what is needed. A great example of this would be the George Mueller story. He built several orphanages and ran his entire operation solely by faith in God and dependence on Him for donations. He never asked anyone directly for funds, only God.

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Jim Deal