Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mankind...infinite or finite?

We all have the same basic dilemma. We are ¹finite yet infinite at the same time

How? We are ¹finite in resources yet infinite in ²need.

We are infinite in need because we are designed to participate, engage in and experience the ³infinite. 

To experience and appreciate the infinite as much as possible we had to have the capacity to experience it, without being God at the same time i.e. we have to have a capacity that matches or is equal to the infinite fullness of God. 

The greater our capacity the greater our potential to partake of and experience the infinite i.e. God who is infinite in every way - in love, wisdom, power, and goodness.

To meet an infinite need requires an infinite source. The only one who can meet this must be ³infinite.

This means we must also depend on someone or something outside ourselves that is infinite (an infinite source) in order for us to function ⁴optimally. 

This requires trust. Why?

We must trust because we are finite. 
i.e. We don't know nor can we see everything to be certain God is that source. He says He is and we have evidence He is but intially to act as if He is by faith. 

We also must trust someone who, unlike us, not only knows what is best for us and wants that for us but also has and can offer this to us without limits i.e. infinitely. God claims to be that someone and more. 

For a discussion on how to address the dilemma of our finite state 

here and 



¹limited in ability/internal resources i.e. we are not all powerful, all knowing, everywhere present or all seeing.

²our need for value, meaning, a word love.

³in value, purpose, beauty, love etc.

⁴as a bird can not function optimally without unlimited sky or a fish without unlimited water, neither can we without unlimited value, meaning, purpose, beauty etc i.e. love

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Jim Deal