Saturday, June 9, 2018

Everything is a gift

If something is given with clear instructions on how to correctly use it and we accept that gift under those conditions but use it as we see fit, what will likely happen?

To the gift

It would not operate properly and likely will eventually break.

To us

We would not gain the maximum benefit intended from its use.

Our relation to the giver

We would be dishonoring (disrespecting) the giver

The givers relation to us

1. The giver may allow us to experience the full consequences of not using the gift as designed since instructions were clearly given but ignored. 

2. The giver also may rightfully withhold future gifts since we have demonstrated our word is not honorable/trustworthy. 

Everything we have and are is a gift; our time, skills as well as all external resources (food, water, shelter, air, material goods etc).

Misuse of God's good gifts is contrary to us as well as the gifts, not just to God, whether we agree or not.

Everything has a design, function and purpose and if we are to see it operate at its optimal level and fulfill its optimal purpose, we must use it accordingly.  

The one who knows best why they exist and how they operate is the designer of those things/gifts. 

To operate things according to the designer's/giver's will is to also operate according to God's design of things and therefore to operate at an optimal level.  

The designer of those gifts is always the one who best knows how their creations work and must always be rightfully heeded and confided in for the best results/outcome.

How are we created and designed to operate? 

We were designed to love God with everything we have and are and our neighbor as ourselves i.e. To know God and to make him known; to spread his renown/glory so others might also live as designed for God's highest glory and their maximum joy and benefit.

Knowing and loving God is not something we initiate but the fruit of being known and loved by God i.e. We are not love initiators but love responders. To say it succinctly, we love him because he first loves us.

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Jim Deal