Saturday, March 12, 2016

What's really inside?

The true state of the ¹human heart (and condition) is often not evident until everything that we depend on to gain a sense of meaning and value is stripped away.

What surfaces emotionally when you're really cold, really sick, really tired, really hungry, totally alone or in any other state of extended deprivation? 

What if you also find yourself in one (or possibly several) of these circumstances with no hope of relief? What surfaces then? (think of Job)

Whatever it is... fear, anxiety, anger, complaining, whining etc... this brings to the surface who you really are; the real you. Not a flattering picture. But not an uncommon one either.

We all do well when things go well. It's when they go wrong that we find out what we're truly made of, i.e. the true state of our being.

When everything is stripped away, it becomes very clear that we are dependent (our true state of being), very rebellious, and rather miserable (our true condition) creatures, who are often ungrateful.


¹I am making the distinction between "heart" and "condition" and suggest that "heart" addresses who we really are - i.e. creatures dependent on our Creator - and "condition" with those circumstances we find ourselves in; circumstances that create pain and suffering which bring to the surface what's in our heart. Possibly too fine or unclear a distinction?

Feedback is always welcomed. Nothing I post is final simply because I know much of our (my) heart is hidden from us (me), which in turn, affects our (my) thoughts and ability to see clearly.

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Grace to you
Jim Deal