Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You cannot fully trust someone you do not love. True or not?

You cannot fully ¹receive love from someone you do not trust and you cannot fully trust someone you do not love.

To the second half of this statement some might object, “… can’t you trust someone you do not love?” Yes to a degree, however to fully trust another requires that you have the utmost admiration and respect for them; so much so that you truly value them and their input. To come to this level of trust you must believe they have your best interest at heart i.e. they love you. When you trust someone at that level you will also love him or her in return. Therefore you cannot fully trust someone you do not love. Agree, disagree? Your feedback is welcomed.


¹If someone shows kindness and care to you but you suspect their motives are to ²get (take) something from you instead of give something to you, you will never receive their love properly. You will not be able to experience their kindness for what it actually is  because you cannot fully receive love from someone you do not trust.

That's not to say you can't experience and benefit from their kindness, it's just that their kindness has a "string attached" that eventually expects and requires something from you in return for that kindness. Whereas true love expects and demands nothing in return. We call this unconditional love because no conditions, expectations, or demands are tied to it. When we love unconditionally our care and kindness (love) is about the other person and what is best for them. 

No one can love in this way until they understand and receive God's love 1st i.e. to give love in this way they must be full of His love (for further discussion click here). To give and receive love properly we must 1st be whole ourselves. We cannot be whole unless we're plugged in to the source of love.

This is why it's critical we understand that God needs nothing from us. That all that we already are and have comes from him. There's nothing we can give Him that he does not already have. 

Though God can truly and genuinely enjoy our worship, this is not the same as needing it. God already gives and receives perfect love between the Father, Son, and Spirit and therefore needs no other love.

²even if it's only your admiration and praise. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be admired and appreciated. God designed us this way so we might be in a relationship with him. Our problem is looking to and depending on others to give to us only what God can. The is deficit motivation. The more we are plugged in to God and derive our sense of value from him the more we desire to give not get or take from others.

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Jim Deal