Saturday, March 10, 2018

How can God love the unlovely?

First we must be lovable i.e. there must be something about us that God cherishes (loves) deeply. While at the same time, there is also something unlovely about us that God opposes. How can this be? Can both be true? 

What does he cherish?

First and foremost he cherishes (values) himself, for he is the greatest, wisest, loveliest, most powerful and beautiful being in the universe. There is no one more glorious, significant or powerful.

And we are like God. And because we are, we are able to glory in and enjoy the beauty of who he is and to reflect back to him and out to others his greatness in a way no other created being can. Our capacity to appreciate, enjoy and reflect the infinitely valuable God gives us value; makes us significant. Valuable both to others as well as to God himself.

What does he oppose?

God opposes anything that diminishes the recognition of His great glory/value.

Why does he oppose this? Because everything is from, through and to him. For him or us to conduct ourselves otherwise not only dishonor's who he is but is also to our harm. It is also contrary to who we are as well as who God is. In short, it doesn't fit the way things are. For us to value anything above God most high (the most valuable) is to be misled and to mislead others; it is to live a lie. This ultimately leads to our harm and eventual destruction and the harm and destruction of others.

So if both of these qualities (lovable and unlovely) are within us at the same time how does God reconcile these two opposite characteristics? How does he love the unlovely?

He removes the consequences of our unloveliness by putting it on himself in and through his own son Jesus. Once the consequences are removed, by our rightful suffering being placed onto Jesus, he is free to focus only on who we are as his image bearers with the capacity to receive and give love, honor and glory and reflect him out to others. In short to make us like his Son. Because of Christ, God is now for us, not against us

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Jim Deal