Saturday, December 12, 2015

It's just who I am.

You may have heard the above slogan. It sounds good at first blush but are there any problems with it? 

Once we say our desires alone define who we are and what is or isn't legitimate behavior, then any desire goes. 

If I desire young children sexually or animals or even dead people (yes there are folks that are attracted to this. It's called necrophilia), then it is OK because that's just who I am and how I feel.

Of course, these are extreme examples to illustrate a point. It becomes apparent there must be something other than desires that determine right and wrong behavior.

If we say desire and consent alone is the determining factor for what is right and wrong, then it's OK for two people to consent to kill a third person simply because they want to. Majority rules, right? 

But if the third person doesn't agree or consent, do their feelings matter? They also have feelings don't they? 

That is the beauty of the US government system. Technically we are a republic, not a democracy, which means the majority doesn't rule, the law does. Even if someone is at odds with the majority, they still have rights because those rights are based on law given by the Creator. Our founders agreed that there is absolute and objective morality/law. Morality is not subjective - i.e. based solely on our feelings or desires - but on some objective standard outside of us. 

When we worship at the altar of self, eventually anything goes as long as self is fulfilled. This assumes that there is no fulfillment outside of self-gratification. But what if there is?

If we are broken and offered a solution but refuse it, that is a choice we are responsible for - and we all are broken in different ways. For some the manifestation of that brokenness is more obvious and less socially acceptable than others i.e. It's a matter of kind and extent of our brokenness, not whether we are or are not. 

If we are offered greater fulfillment outside of our preferred manner of fulfillment but refuse it, that does not make the offer inadequate, illegitimate or unreal, it simply means we refuse the offer.

What defines someone being whole versus being broken? The Creator and Designer of that someone.

For a discussion on the basis for morality click here.

For a definition of sin and the necessity of judgment click here.

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Grace to you
Jim Deal