Thursday, September 24, 2015

"It's their (Adam and Eve's) fault!"

We may complain about being saddled with the decision of our first parents (Adam and Eve), feeling it's unfair. After all, we didn't choose to rebel against God; they did!

However, if you and I were given the exact same circumstances and choices, I propose we would have made the ¹exact same choice. So in this sense, they are a representative of all humanity. 

And what was their decision? To attempt to operate contrary to their design in complete independence from God instead of in total dependence on God i.e. to attempt to be their own god. But this can't and doesn't work since we are creatures designed to live in deliberate union with our Creator.

What many do not consider is once they rebelled the ultimate solution was immediately promised (Genesis 3:15) and a temporary solution was provided (Gen 3:21). God did not abandon Adam and Eve but pursued them (even though they had abandoned him) from the very moment they rebelled. 
And He pursues us to this day. There has never been a time when a solution hasn't been available since that day. A solution that is available right now for each of us and has always been from the outset of man's rebellion. The very fact that this answer is not popular is itself evidence of our rebellion. 
However, if you don't like how things went with Adam - or how they are now - why continue on that same broken path? We can simply accept God's solution. It's available at this very moment and has been from the outset. You may say, "that's ridiculous, I wasn't even there." True, but you are here and offered the solution at this present moment. 

We can, therefore, turn away from the path our first parents choose and return to the original path we were created to walk on simply by accepting God's solution to the problem ²they created - and we continue in. A problem we created,, not God. In effect, do exactly the opposite of what Adam did and trust God's promise-claims. 

We cannot blame our first parents (or God) for our present choices. There is a present solution and always has been one from the beginning at the time of our rebellion. The simple fact that you are reading this is evidence God is pursuing you right now (you aren't here by accident) and in Christ, God has done everything needed to restore you. All you need to do is accept his offer. 

God does not condemn us for our sin per se, since the solution for our rebellion (sin) has already been provided and our just condemnation was taken care of. No, we are condemned only because if we refuse the solution offered to address it.

Joh 3:17  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18  Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is  condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 

We now are the ones responsible for acting contrary to our design, not our original parents. We will be accountable for our choice, not theirs. It is our refusal to trust God and accept his present offer at this time that we are accountable for, not our parents' refusal.

Wish to know more about the solution? click here.

For a more in-depth discussion on what occurred at man's original rebellion, click here


¹So did God make a mistake in how he made us? I propose he made us exactly the way we are so we might know him truly as he is, to the greatest extent possible, thereby enjoying and partaking of him as much as possible. 

There is a mystery in this but I am suggesting how God made us ultimately was not only for God's highest glory but also for our greatest good and joy. It comes down to whether we trust God is good as He claims or He is not i.e. did he know what he was doing when he made us the way we are i.e. with the freedom to either trust or not trust Him? 

What we can not fully comprehend, we must trust is good. We can't prove He is good because of our limitations i.e. we are not all-wise and all-knowing, only God is. God claims He is infinite, in knowledge, wisdom, and goodness. But it's not as if we have no evidence of God's goodness. He gave is ample evidence of His goodness by sending His Son to remedy a problem we created and could not fix. He always does what is right and best. Do we or don't we believe these things He claims about Himself?

²If we reject God's offer and solution, this further indicates we would have made the exact same choice Adam and Eve made given the same circumstances. 

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Jim Deal